Thursday, April 25, 2013


In the Philippines, the design parameters in the preparation of master plans and feasibility studies, implementation, operation and maintenance of flood control projects are greatly influenced by the economy of the country. For Metro Manila, 30 year return period for river improvement, and mostly less than or equal to 10 year for drainage works are implemented on a phase to phase basis. Budget comes in trickles resulting to delays in the implementation. Optimal operations of flood control appurtenances are not attained. The equipment; which necessitate immediate replacement or rehabilitation, outlast the efficiency level over years of use.
Due to growing population, topographical changes, and the impact of climate change, structural measures limited to design flood level cannot cope under extreme condition, and the master plan and feasibility studies are becoming less and less feasible. Land subsidence due to water demand, land use changes due to development in the upstream and downstream reaches, encroachment of waterways both by influential and marginal groups, are considerations to update and revise the master plans and feasibility studies. However, the financial capability of the government and the duration to implement the priority projects are still uncertain.
As vulnerability of the people in the flood prone areas increases, viable alternatives affordable through local resources should be pursued. Some innovative measures require short term implementation that can increase the security of the affected populace. Flood forecasting and warning system are becoming more popular and acceptable as private entities begun to get involved and cooperate. However, some significant aspects, such as those which relate to political and social factors , are hard to change in a short term. Urgent works should be sourced from available local funds which are low cost in nature to supplement the non-structural countermeasures. Though conceptual, these may include heightening of the house in highly susceptible areas, viaduct for mobility and passage during flood time, maintenance of waterways engaging community participation, accessible and safe evacuation centers, etc.

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