Saturday, March 09, 2013

Please Free PAGASA Hydro-Meteorological Data !!!

Why is PAGASA selling their data? Are the staff of PAGASA not getting their worth for their work?

Who suffer?

1. Student researchers who have no additional money to shelve from their allowance and the parents who have to allot from their meager salary.
2. Researchers from other government agencies. - Honestly getting data from climatological division of PAGASA is cumbersome. Writing letter request to be signed by top honchos which takes time, then approval from PAGASA to get free data?
3. The people who should benefit from the researchers and studies because the deprived data did not reach  the researchers.

This move by PAGASA discourages researchers. Consider the travel time of going to PAGASA if you were from the province and the bureaucracy the request for data will pass through before it can reach the concerned person.

We hope there are other agencies who can give free data. Well,  time  will come when the GSMAP or the TRMM will be released with high accuracy and  frequency and could be downloaded free of charge.  Then we can say  to PAGASA Climatological Division, "Good Bye!!! You can have all your data."


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