Thursday, August 09, 2012

"Habagat Flood," A Test of Plans

Again, Metro Manila experienced another extensive flood  from a spatially wider longer rainfall from Southwest monsoon. Intense rainfall started early evening of August 06, 2012 and fizzled down on August 08. As usual, same places were inundated  almost the same depth and extent as Ondoy. Only Ondoy has intense rainfall for six hours. Habagat, on the other hand,  has rainfall spread out for three days.

Ondoy caused the government to review the Master Plan for Metro Manila through funding from the World Bank . The Master Plan for Flood Management extended to Rizal, Laguna and some parts of Bulacan. The study is almost completed and ready for distribution.

Data from recent flood will help the concerned agencies to review the just completed  master plan  and check if the countermeasures are in place. The consultants are now checking the simulation of rainfall and runoff through modeling.

In experiment, we do a lot of trials to verify the findings and recommendations. It is the same thing with this. This is one good litmus test.

"All things work together for good, to them who love God"

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