Monday, August 20, 2007

Doing Good Without String Attached!!!

Looking back, past mentors' influenced in ones life are treasured possessions. Guiding with love and encouragement enables the person to stand on his feet even though there are times of waggling.

Their unwavering support as they look at me sailing independently as I traveled the life's journey reminds me of the need for other people regardless of their strengths and weaknesses.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Renewed Commitment!!!

It's funny thing how for so many years, I've kept my commitment but drifts through as time passes by. Well, listening to old messages reminds me of the priorities that should be on top, not immersing myself in trivial things that may side track who I really am, my make-up and my personal identity.

Although now, I seldom meet my mentors, the wonder of web enables me to discover the messages heard long time ago, say 25 years ago. The messages remain true even through the ages.